

ANZSCO Code: 224112 / Group A

Mathematicians utilize mathematical principles and methods to address issues across various fields such as sciences, engineering, technology, social sciences, business, industry, and commerce.

Occupation Descriptions


Mathematicians use mathematical principles and techniques to solve problems in sciences, engineering, technology, social sciences, business, industry, and commerce.

Occupations considered suitable under this ANZSCO code:

  • Operations Research Analyst

Closely related occupations in ANZSCO Unit Group 2241:

  • Actuary
  • Statistician

Mathematician is a VETASSESS Group A occupation

Group A

To work in this occupation, you need a qualification equivalent to an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Bachelor degree or higher, in a field highly relevant to the nominated occupation. Additionally, you must have at least one year of post-qualification employment at an appropriate skill level completed within the last five years, which is highly relevant to the nominated occupation. Both your qualifications and employment must be positively assessed for a favorable Skills Assessment Outcome.

(This includes qualifications assessed at AQF Bachelor, Master and Doctoral level.)

Group A

Individuals with a Bachelor’s degree in a related field, which may not be considered “highly relevant,” can still be accepted if they also hold an Australian Graduate Diploma in Counselling or Psychotherapy.

Qualification and Employment Criteria


Mathematics is the study of deductive systems, including algebra, number theory, geometry, analysis, differential equations, discrete mathematics, and their applications in the sciences and social sciences.

Qualifications in certain fields (listed below) may be accepted on a case-by-case basis if the program includes sufficient subjects in Mathematics, Algebra, Calculus, Predictive Modelling, Numerical Analysis, Optimisation, Linear Algebra, Machine Learning, Discrete Mathematics, Mathematical Modelling, Geometry, Combinatorics, Topology, Logic, Number Theory, Dynamic Systems, Differential Equations, and Financial Mathematics.

This includes:

  • Actuarial Science
  • Quantitative Finance
  • Statistics
  • Computer Science
  • Data Science
  • Electronic / Computer Engineering
  • Physics
  • Machine Learning

Final year subjects and research projects undertaken are given greater weight in our analysis of the required major field of study.

Highly relevant major fields of study include:

  • Mathematics (Pure and/or Applied)
  • Financial Mathematics
  • Operations Research
  • Mathematical Statistics
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    Highly relevant tasks include:

    • Formulating mathematical models to simulate processes.
    • Applying models to experimental observations, and adjusting and recasting the models.
    • Using numerical analysis methods to develop algorithms and perform computations.

    Additional tasks may include:

    • Developing mathematical theory underlying processes in the physical, biological, and social sciences.
    • Developing theoretical mathematical constructs and hypotheses.
    • Applying mathematical principles and techniques to solve problems in research, development, production, distribution, and other functional areas.
    • Liaising with management and clients to determine the subject area to be examined.

    An applicant should be undertaking the majority of these tasks as their core duties in an employment role. Although it is not mandatory to perform all the tasks listed, an applicant must demonstrate that their daily tasks and skill set match the nominated occupation.

    Employment Context

    In Australia, there are currently no legal requirements for licensing or registration for the occupation of Mathematician.

    Mathematicians typically do the following:

    • Expand knowledge in mathematical areas, such as algebra or geometry, by developing new rules, theories, and concepts
    • Use mathematical formulas and models to prove or disprove hypotheses and conjectures
    • Apply mathematical theories and techniques to solve practical problems in business, engineering, the sciences, or other fields

    Applied Mathematicians

    Mathematicians use theories and techniques, such as mathematical modeling, to solve practical problems. They typically collaborate with individuals in other fields to address these issues. For example, they may work with chemists, materials scientists, and chemical engineers to analyze the effectiveness of new drugs. Other applied mathematicians might work with industrial designers to study the aerodynamic characteristics of new automobiles.

    Theoretical Mathematicians

    Mathematicians conduct research to identify and resolve unexplained issues in mathematics. They focus on exploring new areas and relationships within mathematical theories to enhance knowledge and understanding of the field. While some may not consider the practical applications of their findings, the knowledge they develop can significantly contribute to many scientific and engineering advancements. Despite the differences between applied and theoretical mathematics, these areas often overlap, and many mathematicians use both applied and theoretical knowledge in their job duties.

    Operations Research Analyst (ANZSCO specialization) 

    An Operations Research Analyst utilizes scientific methods to address issues related to managing systems involving people, machines, materials, and finances in various sectors such as industry, business, government, and defense.

    Highly relevant tasks include, but may not be limited to:

    • Identifying and solving real-world problems in areas such as business, logistics, healthcare, or other fields.
    • Collecting and organizing information from a variety of sources, such as computer databases, sales histories, and customer feedback.
    • Examining information to determine its relevance to a problem and identify suitable analysis methods.
    • Using optimization, data mining, statistical analysis, simulations, predictive modeling, or other methods to analyze information and develop practical solutions to business problems.
    • Advising managers and decision-makers on the potential impacts of various courses of action to address a problem.

    Computational Scientist (specialization)

    A Computational Scientist aims to understand scientific and engineering issues primarily by implementing, utilizing, and analyzing mathematical models on high-performance computers.

    Highly relevant tasks include, but are not limited to:

    • Conducting numerical simulations of complex systems and natural phenomena that would be impractical or hazardous to study through direct experimentation.
    • Collaborating with specialist scientists and engineers to develop computer-based mathematical models in fields such as climate modeling, oceanography, mining, nuclear engineering, and medical imaging.

    Mathematical Modeller / Quantitative Analyst (specialization)

    Mathematical Modelers are Applied Mathematicians who create mathematical representations of real-world situations or hypothetical scenarios. These models are used to predict outcomes, consequences, or to create visualizations. Applications can vary widely, from manufacturing and environmental modeling to computer/video games and computer-generated imagery (CGI).

    Highly relevant tasks include, but are not limited to:

    • Quantifying real-world problems and scenarios using appropriate mathematical tools in collaboration with domain specialists.
    • Collaborating with software engineers and computational scientists to translate mathematical models into computer algorithms, incorporating suitable user interfaces and visualization tools.
    • Providing advice to researchers, managers, and decision-makers in scientific and commercial environments regarding the likely outcomes and impacts of various hypothetical scenarios.

    Cryptographer (specialization)

    Cryptographers/cryptanalysts employ mathematical theories of cryptology and computer coding to develop and decipher digital codes. They are hired by various entities such as companies, institutions, government agencies, police, and armed forces to ensure the security and privacy of sensitive commercial and government transactions and communications.

    Highly relevant tasks include, but may not be limited to: 

    • Creating, setting up, and evaluating algorithms to solve number theory problems.
    • Protecting sensitive communication and data systems in government and military sectors from foreign governments and hackers.
    • Providing decryption expertise for intelligence and counterintelligence services.
    • Ensuring the security of financial transactions, including credit card, inter-bank, and online transactions.
    • Developing technology to protect mobile phone and internet networks in the communications sector.

    Employment not considered

    Employment that emphasizes data analysis, prediction/interpretation, survey design, and statistical modeling aligns more closely with the occupation of Statistician. Conversely, roles in the financial and commercial sector that focus on business and data analysis, as well as budgetary forecasting, may be better suited to the occupation of Information and Organization Professionals NEC (ANZSCO 224999).

    To qualify as a Mathematician, an individual must demonstrate that their primary responsibility involves developing and applying mathematical principles and techniques.

    How to apply

    If you’re a professional choosing to migrate to Australia, chances are you’re likely to be assessed by us. We assess 360 different professional occupations, assessing your skills, experience and qualifications.

    1. Find

    Find the VETASSESS occupation that best matches your abilities and experience.

    2. Match

    Match your skills and experience to your chosen occupation.

    3. Prepare

    Get ready to apply by preparing all the information and documents you need. 

    4. Apply

    Apply online when you’re ready. If you’re still unsure, skills assessment support is available when you need it.