
How to Prepare a CPD Statement?

The CPD statement provides an overview of the activities that an individual has undertaken in the course of professional development over time. It satisfies Engineers Australia (EA) that that particular level’s CPD criteria have been met by the individual.

CPD Statement

To prepare a CPD statement, you will need to:

  • Clear, concise, and easy to read.
  • Well-organized and easy to follow.
  • Personal Dedication: This includes your commitment to ethical behavior and accountability in your work.
  • Community Obligation: This includes your involvement in group activities, risk management, and long-term solutions in your community.
  • Workplace Value: This includes your active involvement in the workplace, sound decision-making, and collaboration skills.
  • Technical Expertise: This includes your engineering skills, innovation, and expertise that sets you apart from others in your field.

Here are some tips for writing a CPD statement:

  • Begin with drafting a detailed catalogue of all CPD activities that you have taken part in.
  • Place your activities in various sections such as conferences, workshops, online courses, etc.
  • Include the date of the activity, the type of activity and the duration taken for the activity for every activity.
  • Explain how each of the activities contributed to your professional growth.
  • Think back to when and how each activity improved your competency and knowledge.
  • Check the CPD statement once more before you submit it.

That’s the end of that. To finish off, a well-structured and effective CPD statement can add value to your engineering career. It will be an opportunity to show that you are eager to learn all the time and that you know how to keep informed of current events in your area.

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