What exactly is an Employment Reference Letter?

Employment Reference Letter forms one of the parts for the RPL report for non ICT Professionals to show the experience they have gathered over the years. It determines whether the individual is comparable to a holder of an ICT degree.
The Letter must comprise all the detailed measures regarding your education, employment history, your ability, and skills possessed by you. Don’t forget that, an RPL report submitted is compiled by an employment reference letter. They are the rules which have to be observed as ACS evaluates your skill assessment.
Employment Requirements for ACS Skills Assessment
- If you work a minimum of 20 hours a week, you can be eligible for skills assessment. The work that you do should be of the nature or scope or the complexity of the work which you are claiming to do. In addition to that the payment which you are getting should be commensurate with your level of skills.
- Affecting your skill, unpaid, partially paid or those works done on a voluntary basis will not be calculated.
- For any professional role, only the employment done after fulfilling the ACS eligibility criterion will be entertained.
- If you do submit more than one employment period, only the one with the greatest result will be chosen and the rest will be classified as concurrent employment.
- The ICT instruction has to be undertaken as part of the schooling at AQF level or above as one of the requirements for the ACS assessment.
- Your working experience won’t be considered such work which you carried out for the purposes of your thesis. You need to provide such evidence from your company which is related to studies you have done which are not directly concerned with your thesis.
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