
Geologists ANZSCO Code: 234411

Geologists research Earth’s materials, processes, history, and nature. Environmental geologists examine how humans affect the Earth’s system, while economic geologists find and use Earth’s Earth. These are just two of the many different kinds of geologists.

Geologists ANZSCO Code: 234411

Occupation Descriptions

A geologist investigates the composition, structure, and other physical characteristics of the Earth to further scientific understanding and provide useful applications in areas such as mining restoration, environmental preservation, civil engineering, and land rehabilitation.

Occupations considered suitable under this ANZSCO code:

  • Marine Geologist
  • Paleontologist 

Occupations not considered suitable under this ANZSCO code:

  • Geophysicist
  • Hydrogeologist
  • Earth Science Technician

These occupations are classified elsewhere in ANZSCO or are not at the required skill level.

Group allocation:

Geologist is a VETASSESS Group A occupation.

This job requires a qualification in a field highly related to the specified occupation that must be equivalent to the educational level of an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Bachelor’s degree or higher. A minimum of one year of highly relevant post-qualification work at a suitable skill level completed within the previous five years is also required of applicants.

Group A

Applicants will not meet the required skill level if:

  • The degree of qualification(s) is below the minimum required.
  • The qualifications are related to something other than a very relevant subject of study.
  • Before the completion of the qualification, the employment was finished.

A positive outcome of the Skills Assessment depends upon a positive evaluation of employment and qualifications.

Highly relevant paid employment duration (20 hours or more per week): 

One year of paid post-qualification work (20 hours or more per week) during the five years immediately preceding the skills assessment application deadline, where the work must have required a relevant skill level and had a solid connection to the designated occupation.

Qualification and Employment Criteria


AQF Bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification. This includes qualifications evaluated at the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral levels in the AQF.

Significant fields of research that are highly relevant include:

  • Geology
  • Applied Geology
  • Geophysics
  • Earth Sciences
  • Sedimentology
  • Petrology
  • Environmental Geoscience


Highly relevant tasks comprise, but are not restricted to:

  • Analyzing remote sensing data to find unusual locations and geological formations for future research.
  • Examining and analyzing samples, cuts, rock cores, and geological specimens utilizing mechanical, optical, chemical, and electronic methods.
  • Evaluating the potential effects of development plans on the geological environment and the economic feasibility of mining resources in collaboration with other experts.
  • Calculating the impact of proposed resource extraction on the ecosystem.
  • Creating geological reports and maps and interpreting research findings from exploration or laboratory experiments.
  • Preparing laboratory reports and scientific articles or monitoring their development.
  • Monitoring survey assistants, technicians, and technical officials at work.
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    Supporting Material for Assessment

    When submitting an application for a skills assessment, please make sure you provide enough documentation to support your employment claims, qualifications, and identity proof. The VETASSESS website lists all the necessary paperwork in the Eligibility Criteria section.

    Additional supporting documentation for your position could include a summary short for grant applications or related projects, research articles or conference proceedings, lab reports, patents, and a list of your responsibilities from completed projects.

    How to apply

    If you’re a professional who decides to relocate to Australia, we will evaluate you. Our process evaluates your abilities, experience, and certifications across 360 professional occupations.

    1. Find

    Choose the VETASSESS job that best matches your qualifications and experience.

    2. Match

    Fit your experience and skill set to the job you want to do.

    3. Prepare

    Gather the necessary information and paperwork and get ready to apply.

    4. Apply

    When you're ready, submit an online application. If you're confused, skills assessments can help.